August 5, 2009 -- IP performance test systems provider Ixia announced that its Higher Speed Ethernet (HSE) 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) test platform was used to test Hitachi's prototype 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100-GbE) frame transmission system, which was partly supported by the Lambda Access Project funded by NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) in Japan.
In the testing, Ethernet-standard frame-level data formats were used, a significant advancement over previous optical signal tests, according to the parties. Ixia's "K2" 100 GE test module generated line-rate traffic which was sent over optical cable to Hitachi's 100 GE prototype system. The Hitachi system successfully received and decoded the Ethernet frames.
"Ixia's 40 and 100 GE load modules are increasingly becoming the standards for manufacturers seeking to validate their HSE designs," comments Errol Ginsberg, chief innovation officer at Ixia. "Our early and active participation in the standardization process has allowed us to offer products that follow the emerging standard."
Ixia's converged IP testing solutions enable users to test the performance of network equipment, Internet service and applications. The company claims its K2 is among the only modules available that can test IEEE P802.3ba standard-based products. The modules can generate and analyze full 40 Gbps and 100 Gbps layer 2-7 line rate traffic with up to 1 million distinct flows per port. Module testing capabilities include such metrics as real-time latency, inter-arrival time, packet loss, data integrity, sequence checking and packet capture.
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