Provider of RCDD-exam prep courses seeks input on possible expansion
Feb. 2, 2015
Ventoux Learning Network wants opinions on whether or not to offer courses on every chapter of the TDMM, upon which the RCDD exam is based.
David Cranmer delivers instructor-led online (ILO) courses for Ventoux Learning Network. As of January 12, Ventoux is launching a series of a-la-carte ILO courses for candidates preparing to take the BICSI RCDD exam. Each course is based on an individual chapter of BICSI's Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual.
When launching the courses, Cranmer explained, “I’ve selected chapters from the TDMM which many students find difficult, so that a BICSI RCDD candidate can choose what to review.” Currently, individual classes cover the following TDMM chapters.
Chapter 1: Principles of Transmission
Chapter 2: Electromagnetic Compatibility
Chapter 7: Firestop Systems
Chapter 8: Bonding and Grounding
Chapter 9: Power Distribution
Cranmer recently explained, “I’ve had several people ask when I was going to add the remainder of the chapters in the 13th edition of the TDMM to my a-la-carte selection.” In response, Ventoux is hosting a one-question survey to determine the overall desire for such an expansion.
The survey asks simply whether or not respondents would like to see all chapters in the TDMM 13th edition offered in a-la-carte format.