IEEE WCNC 2010 explores advances, ongoing global trends in wireless communications systems

May 18, 2010
Hundreds of researchers, government officials and academia gathered at the conference to explore economic growth and societal benefits of next stage wireless technologies.

NEW YORK, NY -- The IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), the international symposium dedicated to the latest advances and ongoing evolution of global wireless communications, recently convened in Sydney, Australia with nearly 700 international experts highlighting the rapid deployment of global wireless communications, which “already affect over three billion users worldwide.”

Formed to advance the latest innovations in wireless technologies, this year’s annual event featuring more than 500 presentations was specifically designed by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the leading worldwide professional organization dedicated to the advancement of communications technologies, to emphasize the evolving economic and societal implications of technologies ranging from vehicular, multimedia and cooperative communications to video streaming, networking and beamforming.

“IEEE WCNC is globally recognized for the thorough exploration of wireless broadband and information networking as well as Internet and interconnected software and radio technologies,” said Dr. Adam T. Drobot, chief technology officer and president of Advanced Technology Solutions at Telcordia Technologies. “It is also provocative, cutting edge and truly global in scope. As a result, many of the world’s finest minds were present to discuss and further the next wave of technologies that are continually reshaping our personal and business lives.”

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With a constant focus on innovation, IEEE WCNC 2010 began its four-day agenda with a full day of tutorials and workshops dedicated to such key topic areas as the planning and optimization of wireless communications networks, tomorrow’s Internet, biologically-inspired networking, cognitive radio and enabling technologies, the localization and tracking of smart devices and an overview of 4G LTE and WiMAX technologies.

In the ensuing days, the conference then proceeded with a comprehensive schedule of keynote addresses, high-level business panels and technical sessions, which included opening remarks from Barry Buffier, deputy director general of the department of Industry & Investment NSW. Other noted presenters such as Dr. Drobot spoke at length about the “The Future of Wireless Communications” and the goal to provide worldwide users with quality services that greatly diminish the isolation of the poor. This includes “working diligently to eliminate households without connections” and introducing 5G and 6G networks that provide all users with “immediate and relevant” applications ranging from news, emergency response and gaming to remote diagnostic healthcare support.

Further elaborating on this theme was the address of Dr. Hugh S. Bradlow, chief technology officer of Telstra Corporation Limited, who discussed “The Future of the Mobile Internet” and the growth of an industry that is expected to ship more than one billion mobile handsets worldwide in 2010 and in the very near future deliver “seamless performances across multiple generations of mobile networks.” Featured among these applications explained Dr. Bradlow will also be the ability to “project a 15-inch screen directly onto the retina” via a monocular, wearable display as well as monitor vital signs at outlying locations with the use of “peel-and-stick disposable detectors” that relay information through mobile phones.

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Other anticipated events included the conference’s senior-level panel discussions, which highlighted “Recent Advances in LTE-A” and “Radio Access & Network Technologies beyond 4G.” Chaired by Dr. Bin Li of the Advanced Wireless Research Labs, Huawei Technologies, the panel on LTE-A featured leading authorities from NEC, Telstra, CSIRO and Huawei, who spoke at length about LTE-A and its potential for offering the “best possible user experience,” while meeting large ecosystem demands for rich content, reduced energy consumption and the lowest possible cost per Mbyte.

Furthermore, the panel on radio access featured the presentations of leading wireless authorities representing Alcatel Lucent Shanghai Bell of China as well as NICT and Fujitsu Labs Ltd. in Japan. Led in discussion by Prof. Jing Wang of the Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, these renowned panelists highlighted the latest breakthrough techniques designed to reduce interference, stimulate cooperative communication among heterogeneous networks and promote energy savings in their respective countries. Foremost among these solutions was their goal to create “a new paradigm of wireless technology” that optimizes spectrum usage and establishes new operating parameters for collaborative wireless and wired networks.

Additional IEEE WCNC 2010 highlights included the presentation of hundreds of technical papers spread across three days of sessions. Ranging in subject from DCF system dynamics, global grassroot WiFi sharing, cooperative spectrum sensing and multi-cell coordinated beamforming to cognitive constrained pulse shaping and satellite multimedia networking, these sessions were especially designed by the conference organizers to provide the industry’s leading researchers with an international venue for showcasing their latest wireless innovations and then establishing new contacts to help forward this research on a global scale.

With planning underway for IEEE WCNC 2011, interested parties are urged to visit for conference updates including submission guidelines. Scheduled from 28 – 31 March 2011 in Quintana-Roo, Mexico, the IEEE WCNC 2011 “Call for Paper” deadline is September 15, 2010 for original proposals related to the latest development and design of leading-edge wireless systems and networks.

Additional details including registration and agenda information are also available from Heather Ann Sweeney of the IEEE Communications Society, who can be reached at 212-705-8938 or [email protected].

IEEE WCNC is hosted by the IEEE Communications Society, which has over 40,000 members and is the second largest of IEEE’s 37 technical societies. Founded in 1952, IEEE ComSoc is also recognized as a major international forum for the exchange of ideas on communications and information networking.

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