Volume 9, Issue 1


Answering the wireless emergency call

Jan. 1, 2001
In the January 2000 issue, I described all the wonderful innovations I foresaw in our future. This January, I describe a problem that some of this innovation is causing

Why install Category 6 instead of Category 5E?

Jan. 1, 2001
Let's begin with this: "Why is there a Category 5E standard in the first place?"

Caught in the World Wide Web

Jan. 1, 2001
We recently conducted a brief and informal telephone survey of readers of Cabling Installation & Maintenance, and one of its results struck me as pretty amazing
Th 0901citi03

Suspending cables away from dangerous services

Jan. 1, 2001
The common way to suspend cables permanently away from dangerous services and keep them off ceilings is to use cable ties
Th 0901citi01

Running a cable down an insulated cavity wall

Jan. 1, 2001
Cabling can be difficult to run at the best of times-but what happens when you drill a hole in a plaster wall with the intention of running a cable from the roof cavity down to...

More content from Volume 9, Issue 1


A standard labeled with logical solutions

Jan. 1, 2001
Updated TIA labeling guidelines focus on uniformity amidst growth.
Th 0901cife06

A case for channel testing on Category 6 systems

Jan. 1, 2001
Method avoids link model problems and increases likelihood of passes.
Th Adventumfixv2

Picking the ick out of outside plant cable

Jan. 1, 2001
Scrunched up faces. Icky-pick. That is the general reaction when outside plant fiber optic cables are the topic of discussion. Thanks to recent technology, however, a new generation...
Th 0901cim01

Cabling system offers long-term investment

Jan. 1, 2001
Tightly-paced project solves three problems for credit union

AMP's parent company buys large installation firm

Jan. 1, 2001
Tyco Electronics Corp. (Harrisburg, PA), the parent of AMP, recently announced it acquired Fisk Corp., an electrical and technology-infrastructure installation company
Th Riser1

How not to get burned when firestopping

Jan. 1, 2001
Avoiding trouble later means asking the right questions up front.