In the (fiber) loop: Slideshow

Jan. 28, 2022
Given the available evidence, the question must be asked: Are fiber broadband installation techniques the same everywhere?

Regarding CI&M's recent local neighborhood investigation of the ongoing national fiber broadband installation efforts of Fidium Fiber (Consolidated Communications) -- and of abundant fiber looping "techniques" on display nearby certain poles -- Jim Hayes, founder and president of the Fiber Optic Association (FOA), and a longtime friend of the brand, wrote in, "I guess I should not be surprised that the installation techs in NH are no different than in Santa Monica!"

The slideshow above provides an update on Fidium's OSP polecraft near Manchester, NH as previously chronicled here, and then moves into a selection of "creatively" deployed fiber service loop images, as provided by Jim Hayes from his locale on the opposite U.S. coast in sunny California.

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