A recent evergreen technical brief from Panduit comprises a step-by-step guide for setting up end and midspan access of loose tube optical cable, including best practices instructions for sheath removal, core preparation, and fiber preparation.
The document provides step-by-step illustrations for reference and orientation as technicians follow the procedures.
The guide's initial preparation notes advise techs to "gather the tools and materials to be used for the job and make sure they are approved by your company for use in the field and are in good working order."
Ten tools and materials listed as key for the cable's preparation, according to Panduit, include:
1. Eye and hand protection
2. Clean cotton cloths
3. Approved cable cutters
4. Needle nose pliers
5. Scissors/snips
6. Sheath knife
7. Buffer tube removal tool
8. Primary coating stripping tool
9. Buffer tube slitter
10. Tape measure
The technical brief's table of contents includes sections for: end access cable sheath removal procedures; sheath removal; cable core preparation; buffer tube preparation; mid-span access cable sheath removal procedures; location of mid-span at buffer tube reversal point; sheath removal procedures; locating the reversal point; cable core preparation; buffer tube preparation; and fiber preparation.
View/Download the brief.