Fiber-optic connection specialist US Conec has unveiled singlemode pre-angled thermoplastic MT ferrules that it says will significantly improve the fiber connection process in terms of efficiency and performance. The pre-angled design eliminates a polishing fixture, which reduces polishing time during the production process and improves the MT ferrule’s performance, US Conec explains.
The ferrules are available in 12-fiber and 24-fiber variants. They are compatible with MTP-brand MPO fiber-optic connector components and with IEC 61754-5 and IEC 61754-7 standards, the company adds.
In addition to the reduction in process time, elimination of the polishing step also benefits performance, US Conec says. The design enables better control over polished length, which directly affects the connector spring force and MT ferrule performance, the company explains. The fact that less equipment is needed reduces capital costs as well, US Conec points out.
“Customers will immediately appreciate the reduction in process time,” comments Sharon Lutz, ferrules product manager at US Conec. “Traditionally, singlemode ferrules would be loaded into a flat polishing fixture for an epoxy removal step and then unloaded and reloaded into an angled polishing fixture. Pre-angled ferrules eliminate this step, reducing the operational complexity of the cable assembly maker.”
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