Wire cage enclosures provide equipment security in multi-tenant data centers
July 7, 2015
Chatsworth Products’ wire cage enclosures are scalable, modular, and allow easy air circulation.
Chatsworth Products Inc.'s Wire Cage Enclosures provide a security partition and physical security for equipment in multi-tenant data centers, colocation sites, entrance facilities, equipment rooms and other shared facility spaces.
New Wire Cage Enclosures from Chatsworth Products Inc. (CPI) can be deployed in multi-tenant data center facilities to “create a security partition and provide physical security for equipment,” the company says, adding that the enclosures “feature an open design to allow easy airflow.” The enclosures are deployed in shared-facility spaces like multi-tenant data centers, colocation sites, entrance facilities, and equipment rooms, CPI noted. “The scalable, modular design allows the system to match site requirements, while the rectangular mesh allows free circulation of air to support the existing cooling system, lighting design, and fire-suppression system within the secured area.”
CPI also pointed out these features and characteristics of its Wire Cage Enclosures.
Cage assembly hardware is inside the cage, so panels cannot be tampered with from the outside.
All components ship together as a complete kit, which saves times.
The cage enclosures are available in a glacier white finish to match CPI’s F-Series TeraFrame Gen 3, N-Series TeraFrame Gen 3 Network, and GF-Series GlobalFrame Gen 2 cabinet systems.
The company describes the wire cage enclosures as “a simple, economical way to partition your space and secure your equipment. A variety of locks are available to secure cage doors, as well as a ceiling.”
CPI technical support is available to help users configure the wire cage enclosures and to create a quote.