Since a handful of women in the ICT industry got together at the 2014 BICSI Fall Conference & Exhibition to discuss the idea of a BICSI women’s group, Women in BICSI has certainly come a long way. Since that time, Women in BICSI has become an official BICSI-sanctioned Workgroup under the Professional Development Committee leadership with more than 250 participants and its own official Women in BICSI LinkedIn page. They regularly hold webinars geared towards women in the ICT industry and write a regular “More than Words” column in the BICSI Insider that communicates news and information for BICSI Members. And the pandemic didn’t hold this committed group from continuing their activities—they held virtual presentations, chat rooms, and networking events at both the virtual BICSI Winter 2021 Conference and the hybrid Fall 2021 Conference. But one event that hasn’t happened since the onset of the pandemic is the BICSI Cabling Skills Challenge where Women in BICSI has consistently supported a female contestant to compete in the competition. That’s all about to change with the upcoming 2022 BICSI Winter Hybrid Conference & Exhibition being held January 30 through February 3 in Orlando.
The BICSI Cabling Skills Challenge is back! This fast-paced and exciting competition taking place at the conference is open to BICSI Installers and Technicians and is a Winter Conference fan favorite. Chosen competitors will face off in a series of cabling installation challenges while being cheered on by conference attendees. Winners are awarded in all BICSI Cabling Installer/Technician levels, with the overall winner claiming the title of BICSI Installer of the Year and a check for $5,000.
Women in BICSI is once again supporting a female contestant to compete in the competition through the BICSI Cares Women in BICSI Cabling Skills Challenge Grant created by the BICSI Cares Board of Directors to promote women in the ICT fields. This Grant provides financial support to a female competitor who has been accepted to compete in the BICSI Cabling Skills Challenge. The Grant funds will apply to direct travel costs associated, including airfare, transportation, lodging, and meals.To be considered for this grant, applications must submit a 2022 Cabling Skills Challenge Application and be accepted to compete and submit the BICSI Cares Women in BICSI Cabling Skills Challenge Grant Application. Each applicant must secure approval from their employer to compete in the competition and have a current BICSI INST1, INST2, INSTC, INSTF, or TECH certification at the time of application and, if selected as a competitor, at the time of the competition. Competitors are selected based on qualifying criteria such as professionalism, quality of resume, and work experience. All competitors will receive a full complimentary conference registration, sponsored by BICSI. Complete selection guidelines are available on the website.
Submit your application today
The deadline to apply for the BICSI Cares Women in BICSI Cabling Skills Challenge Grant is December 29, 2021. Questions or concerns regarding the Grant funds, eligible expenses, and reimbursement should be directed to [email protected].
A Women in BICSI breakfast event sponsored by Sumitomo Electric Lightwave is also taking place at the BICSI Winter Hybrid Conference & Exhibition on Tuesday, February 1 from 7 to 8:15 a.m., featuring a motivational speaker and networking opportunities that aim to connect, empower, and motivate women in the ICT industry.
The BICSI Cares Women in BICSI Cabling Skills Challenge Grant is made possible through the BICSI Cares Professional Development and Scholarship fund, a year-round fund raising effort designed to support and promote the ICT Community in a variety of ways. Donate today to show your support for future ICT professionals.